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Trayvon Martin injustice

The Treyvon Martin case is yet another sad soon to be chapter of American history. It amazes me how slowly the justice department has handled the immediate prosecution of this Zimmermann fellow. How can it be that there are any doubts about the motivation behind the killing of this young black boy? Is it only us who hear the absolute disregard for law and order, and life; heard on the now emerging police records and the phone records of poor Treyvon’s mourning girlfriend. I am discouraged by the lack of an immediate show of civilization from and by all Americans of all backgrounds. For crying out loud! Should we all now be able to “stand our ground”?

I can assure you all that there are not many minorities who live in the United States who have not felt the need to “stand their ground” at least once. Somehow when minorities “stand their ground”; we start seeing under-aged minority boys prosecuted like adults for crimes that are almost gaming crimes for the same perpetrators who are white. It is the most unfair experience when I witness the sudden passive objectivity shown to white criminals by the media, even when white criminals typically prove to be extremely serial, calculated, and yet, dangerously assumptive.

If the killings of young minorities continue, through the use of made up rights that are not equally shared by all, I suspect that there will be a revolution. It is unfortunate for the backers of these kinds of sentiments of hate and division, and they must realize that the communication age has erased the barriers to a quick and referenced uprising globally. Do we realize that there are places in this world where whites are citizens and yet a numeric minority? If this is about race, should the South African black majority retaliate on behalf of their American black minority brethren? How can we not see that these sorts of events only brew these sorts of calculations? It is impossible to ignore our co-existence as people of different varieties. It is only human to evolve socially, existentially, economically, and especially industrially. But it is possible to live in a Republic with kept and just laws that protect all its inhabitants “citizens” as long as they’ve earned their stay. Is this not what our 18th century “life guide” prescribes per say?

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