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Advantages of Political Parties

Political parties promote centrism and enables political parties to find positions which appeal to wide pools of the electorate. This can consequently lead to political stability which results into economic balance and growth. Indeed, party systems can enhance the central or federal government to better identify the socio-political layout of the country, hence making governing simple from the top down. In America (USA), it is even more advantageous as there are only two main parties which eliminate the fractiousness of a “several political parties system” like Italy or France.

Furthermore, Multi-party governments sanction wider and miscellaneous viewpoints in government, and encourage leading parties to make deals with weaker parties to form winning coalitions. In comparison to the two party system(Constitution, such as in USA), a multi-party system(Parliament, such as in England) is inherently much more open to minority parties getting much better representation than third parties do in the American system. However, two or more political parties are better suited for democracy than a one party political system, or, in fact dictatorship. Political parties also help simplify the electorate’s voting decision, and this is vital when issues take priority. Finally, political parties help policymakers reach a state of equilibrium and avoid the cyclical voting that would take place without the presence of parties.

Key Disadvantages:

In America, the two party styles of political party distribution fail to provide the electorate with more options since as there are mostly only two main choices. This reality discourages independent or third-party candidates from running for office or promulgating their views on the national political stage. However, the general weakness of multiparty systems is the probability of divisive ideologies spread or sustained by the winning party, or the majority that support it.

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