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It is testing to see the media suddenly start to behave as if Freddie Gray’s death and the resulting charges thrown at the six officers...

Oil & The Clash Of Civilizations

The big turnout in Paris was bracing but it also might reveal a sad fallacy of Western idealism: that good intentions will safeguard soft...

4 Lies Culture Tells Us About Sex

Last year, we broke down the 4 biggest lies the Church told us about sex. Of course, the Church is far from alone in misleading facts...

The Definition of Marriage

I love marriage. It is the single most important achievement in human life. For me marriage has been a place of unique sacrifice, and a...

Beast of Conscience

BEAST OF CONSCIENCE No matter how you look at it, the human being is a dynamic creature amongst the many entities placed on the earth by...

A step into....

When we are born, it is a great occurrence. It is so great that nature has deprived us of the wisdom and consciousness of it for fear...


My mind was young and innocent once. In fact I believe that it always will be. I am a father and not really yet a dad. They are the same...

I will not forget

I will not forget I will not forget. In the calmness of mother earth, I had trod a couple decades few. Still in all her vastness,...

Party politics

Party politics does have great bearing on the American voter’s voting choices and policy preferences. It is so because party...

My issue with campaign financing

In early 2010, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that corporate funding of...

Advantages of Political Parties

Political parties promote centrism and enables political parties to find positions which appeal to wide pools of the electorate. This can...

A typical voter in the United States

A typical voter in the United States has become ever more difficult to define in the 21st century. Only a split of the total number of...

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